Acupuncture for Gout
Acupuncture for Gout, in recent years Acupuncture for Gout has been seen as a reliable alternative to pharmacological western medicine. Often referred to a rich person’s disease gout is the result of poor protein metabolism that leads to uric acid crystals building up in the joints. Specially it’s the amino acid purine which is found in red meats such as lamb and beef which is not synthesized properly. The disease can either be genetic or acquired in nature. Since digestion takes place in the small intestine often there is not enough protease in the small intestine or hydrochloric acid in the stomach to break down meat particles. Once digestion and assimilation occurs the kidneys can become overloaded and will to push the uric acid crystals out to the joints. The first place that gout usually shows up is in the big toe at the proximal knuckle. This sign and symptom is the disease’s hallmark as gout suffers usually complain initially of foot and toes pain. In western medicine a diagnosis is usually first made based on elevated serum acid levels in the blood. While there is no cure for the disease the drug colchicine is usually the treatment of choice. The drug is effective but often produces nausea and diarrhea. In contrast when applying Acupuncture for Gout the treatment strategy is to focus more on diet/ digestion and nutritionally supporting the liver and kidneys. In Chinese medicine the disease is seen more of a damp condition complicated by deficiency patterns. An acupuncturist will often initiate a treatment protocol involving the spleen, liver and kidneys meridians to help balance the body’s energy and help to augment the digestive process. Diet becomes of utmost importance with an emphasis of staying away from red meat and rich foods. In addition the use of the herb Devil’s Claw is extremely effective in keeping the symptoms under control . This can be taken orally with the usual dose being 4-6 grams a day. Devil’s Claw is easily obtained at any health food store. Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture is located in Penfield. We have been serving Fairport, Webster and the greater Rochester NY area since 1983.