Tag Archives: chiropractic

chiropractic care in Rochester, NY

How Does Chiropractic Work ?

Chiropractic is the second largest school of healing in the world. While commonly seen as headache and backache doctors, the profession is much more than that. It encompasses aspects of naturopathy medicine, herbal supplementation, and oriental medicine. Many individuals see chiropractors to improve their quality of life. This can include better athletic performance, a better

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chiropractic care

Is Chiropractic Care For Children Safe?

While the issue of safety regarding chiropractic care for children comes up from time to time, repeated studies have shown it to be safe and effective. Children have been receiving chiropractic adjustments for well over a century. Studies by Pauli Yi in 2007 demonstrated positive effects on both learning disabilities and dyslexia. Work done by

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chiropractic care in Rochester, NY

Reducing Your Stress Through Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is often associated with the headache and backache type of complaints. However, a big part of the treatment deals with stress reduction. Chiropractic adjustment do restores mobility to the spine and reduce inflammation. The adjustments areĀ also an input into the nervous system. This can bring balance back to the body so the person

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how to run with chiropractic care

How To Run Safely With Chiropractic Care

Running is an excellent workout. It makes for a great cardio vascular workout and is among the most efficient ways to lose weight. However, I often hear concerns that running will damage the body and put added stress on the back. This is simply not true provided some simple chiropractic care guidelines are followed. In

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