Acupuncture for sinus trouble

Acupuncture for sinus troubleallergies. Sinis Trouble, Acupuncture

Acupuncture for sinus trouble, The approach for using Acupuncture for sinus trouble is somewhat different when compared to allopathic medicine. In western medicine sinusitis is generally seen as a result of a bacterial / viral infection or possibly an allergic reaction. Medical treatment is usually straight  forward with the prescription of a decongestant , antihistamine or antibiotic all of which are geared to promote drainage. The problem is that while these drugs may alleviate nasal stuffiness, they have limited effects on the sinuses and can cause adverse effects in some individuals such as insomnia and high blood pressure. By contrast acupuncture will categorize the condition as falling into one of several different patterns such as runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing.  According to acupuncture the clinical triggers setting off an episode can range from genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies due to a faulty diet,  taxation fatigue or emotions issues affecting the physical health. At the time of your visit the acupuncturist will devise a treatment based upon the type of pattern present with the patient. A number of acupuncture will be selected usually around the upper face and arms which correspond to the problem area and small needles will be inserted under the skin to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability or “qi “.  Treatments are generally an hour in length and a typical course of treatments runs 6-10 sessions. In addition to using Acupuncture for sinus trouble your therapist might also a classic Chinese herbal formual to alleviate the symptoms and dry up the nasal area. Such formulas as Cang Er Zi,   Xin Yi Hua   and Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang are easily obtained as over the counter products in most health food stores.