Chiropractic Care and Seniors

chiropractic_for_seniorsChiropractic Care and Seniors is an increasingly cultural trend as the baby boomer population ages. Old injuries that have not completely healed are a common tendency among all of us. However, in the senior citizen population these injuries can take on a new significance as arthritis and some of the maladies of old age begin to set in. Consequently the services of Chiropractor Rochester NY becomes a viable alternative when the patient is faced with reduced health coverage and unresolved spinal problems. Chiropractic Care and Seniors is both safe and affordable. Some patients can feel improvement right away after treatment. For others, it may take time as chronic misalignments cause scar tissue and fibrosis to affect the joints. However these can generally resolve themselves as your Chiropractor Rochester NY practitioner has a variety of treatment modalities at their disposal.

It is not unusual that continued Chiropractic Care and Seniors produces structural changes that releases deep stressors in the body. Better balance, smoother movement and more energy often follows with patients involved with a Chiropractor Rochester NY doctor. In a clinical study by Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research on chiropractic and better health and the elderly results indicated that chiropractic was especially effective in improving quality of life with a geriatric population. In one sample of patients seventy-five years and older, those receiving chiropractic care enjoyed better overall health, fewer chronic conditions. They were also more mobile, had fewer hospitalizations and were less likely to use prescription drugs than non-chiropractic patients.

Dr Sadlon Rochester NY Chiropractor

Dr Sadlon Rochester NY Chiropractor

For further information on Chiropractic care and Seniors check out the link below:

At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture we have been providing Chiropractic Care and Seniors since we opened our doors in 1983. We are proud to be part of the Chiropractic Rochester NY community and offer a free consultation to all prospective patients. Located in Penfield the office Pittsford, Brighton, Webster and the greater Rochester NY community.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment!