Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic

 Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic

Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic, this is an unlocking technique that chiropractors and osteopaths employ to relax the spine and clear out old injuries that are resistant to more common treatments. It was founded on the work by Upledger at Michigan State in the 1970’s. Cranial Sacral Therapy views the skull bones, spine and tail bone area as a unit with a direct healing connection between all three. This connection is brought about through the structure known as the dura mater.  This is a thin tough member similar to consistency to cellophane which covers the spinal column from the skull down to the tailbone. This helps provides a structural communication between the different parts of the spine and allows the different vertebrae to move or position themselves as a group. Perhaps it’s distinction is the low force approach it uses in relaxing muscles along the spine and skull in combination with respiration. This allows a deeper degree of unwrapping of the injured area in that it encourages the muscles to let go of the traumatized area. In using Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic a chiropractic will first perform a detailed exam of the patient’s spine to look for misalignments know as subluxations. In addition the skull bones and the tail bone area are also examined for problem misalignments which can be causing symptoms. Corrections are generally painless. By using a gentle pushing on the area in combination with respiration a chiropractor is often able to produce a correction which can eliminate the pain and inflammation  caused by the misalignment. Misalignments of the skull bones are particular common as a result of the birth process. These generally do not correct on their own and the use of Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic can be useful in correcting these types of problems. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture our doctors utilize Cranial Sacral Therapy and Chiropractic on a regular basis. Located in Penfield we have been serving Webster, Fairport and the greater Rochester area since 1983. Call today for a free consultation.