How can the care of a Chiropractor in Rochester NY Help You?

Chiropractor Back AcheHave a tired achy back ?  Well your not alone. According to the CDC back pain is the number one cause for time missed from work in 2013. In fact 20 % of the working population reported that they have had back pain at some point over the last 3 years.  While many of these patients end up taking over the counter medications for pain symptoms an increasing number turn to chiropractic as a source of relief. In choosing a Chiropractor in Rochester NY the process is much the same as any other professional. Checking a doctors licensing credentials through NY State website for disciplinary actions is easily done, as is a review of social media posts. However, perhaps the best way to find a Chiropractor in Rochester NY remains word of mouth from a trusted resource. All chiropractors work differently. This is due to their professional schooling, field specialty and treatment philosophy. Often these are things which can only develop over time but they can form a practitioner’s treatment perspective. Consequently it’s good to find someone who is right for you. Most Chiropractor in Rochester NY offices offer a free consultation where a perspective patient can sit down with a doctor and discuss their medical history in detail. It allows the patient to ask questions of the doctor and to see if the match is right for them.

Chiropractor Rochester NYChiropractic has changed greatly over the last 50 years and is more mainstream than ever before. It is the largest natural healing profession in the world and chiropractic doctors practice in over 200 countries. There are national accreditation organizations and chiropractors are required to continually update their training. Currently much of what is done in chiropractic closely mirrors a visit to a primary health provider. Usually a thorough case history is taken followed by orthopedic and neurological workup. Depending on the patient’s age and on onset of the condition X-rays are also taken. Most treatment plans of Chiropractor’s in Rochester NY offices last about a month.  Founded on the premise of innate healing chiropractic’s belief is that the body has the ability to heal itself through it’s own process. Chiropractors frequently look for the source of structural stress in the body and correct it through the chiropractic adjustment. This can bring the body back into balance through the impact on the nervous system and normal function is restored. This can correct issues like pain, swelling, redness and restricted joint motion often seen in injuries. In years past it was sometimes seen as a treatment of last resort and many Chiropractic Rochester NY practices were built on medical failures. However, the chiropractic adjustment was a unique concept in health services and patients got better. And as they, ” the proof is in the pudding.”

If you’re feeling tired, run down or have a nagging injury that won’t quit we encourage you to give chiropractic a try. At Chiropractic Health Wellness and Acupuncture we have been providing services to the Rochester NY community since 1983. Located in Penfield NY the office serves Fairport, Webster and the greater Rochester NY area.

Contact us today for your free initial consultation.