Liver Detox

Liver Detox

Liver Detox is a common naturopathic procedure many people do to rid themselves of toxicity, lose weight and increased their vitality. These procedures can be done at anytime but frequently are done in the spring.  In the context of Chinese medicine ‘ Spring Time ‘ is usually ‘Liver Time ‘ as it coincides with nature’s rejuvenation after winter and the bringing about new growth and rebirth.  In Chinese medicine the body is a microcosm of the world and environment and much of the axioms which make up the science revolve around balance or the Yin /Yang concept of health.  In western medicine the concept of Liver Detox is equally important but for different reasons. The liver is responsible for over 75 functions in the body on a daily basis. It plays a key role in important processes as blood sugar regulation, red blood cell production and the ATP mechanic which drives the body energy. It also plays an important role in digestion. Once assimilation occurs the end products are converted into lipoic acid and have to go through a Phase 1 and Phase 2 phase as toxins are filter out. This all occurs in the liver. The liver itself is efficient in getting rid of foreign substances and isolating them. One of the challenges of pharmacological medicine is to be able to trick the liver in order to keep drugs in the body longer. Consequently nutritional support for the liver is as important as any other organ in the body such as the eyes, heart or kidneys. By some estimates it’s almost a toss up as to what’s more important, your heart or your liver. In beginning a liver detox program a protocol should be individualized for a person as in any rehab program. Such issues as a person’s age, sex and chronic health issues are all factors which need to be considered. There are many simple things a person can do going into a liver detox. Light exercise, limited fasting and cutting down on alcohol and cigarettes are all common sense things that can be done. Frequently both the herbs dandelion and burdock are often taken to help start the liver detox process. These herbs are safe to take and can be found at any vitamin or herb store. Just be sure to obtain them from a credible source. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture we have been helping patients with Liver Detox since 1986. Located in Penfield we serve Fairport, Webster and the greater Rochester area. Call today for a free consultation and get yourself back on the road to health.