Neck Pain

Neck Pain, From the Bureau of Labor Statistics neck pain is followed only by back pain in lost time from work and also in injuries from motor vehicle accidents. As a treatment modality chiropractic offers the combination of a non-invasive technique with a positive outcome over a relatively short period of time. This is especially true if there is no acute trauma present but rather if the neck pain is the result of a sprain/ strain syndrome often seen in sporting injuries or simply from sleeping on an unfamiliar pillow. Your cervical spine can be subject to many stresses throughout your life.  The treatment protocols in chiropractic for neck pain are somewhat different than conventional medicine in that no drugs are given and much of the treatment can focus on massage and ice or heat packs. By contrast emergency room treatment for neck pain can result in an immobilizing neck collar and a regime of muscle relaxers, painkillers or tranquilizers which can have unattended side effects on the body. These can have unattended consequences for the sufferer as it can allow stiffness to set in and make a recovery time longer.  Often a chiropractic will involve a specific chiropractic adjustment to reduce the neck pain and bring alignment back to the body.  An adjustment can help restore communication between nerves and tissues throughout the body. The typical standard of chiropractic care for neck pain can involve a brief neurological and orthopedic exam including x-rays to rule out more serious issues either from the trauma or a possible birth anomaly.  Your neck is a complex biomechanical system which allows your head and shoulder girdle to move in six different planes of motion. A person has seven bones in their neck and they work together as a symphony to balance your body and provide protection to your spinal cord.  Chiropractic care can correct neck pain and restore the correct motion to the upper body