Does Upper Cervical Chiropractic Work?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic, Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specific type of Chiropractic that focuses on the first two vertebras or bones at the top of the neck. The Atlas being the uppermost one located just under the base of the skull and the second one down named the Axis. Together they function as an integral pair to provide stability to the head/ neck as well as the rest of the spine. The Atlas and Axis are unique both in their shape and function to the rest of the bones in the spine. They are designed to provide maximum movement in the different planes of motion that gives the neck it’s unique biomechanical advantage of strength and flexibility. Since they are first two of the thirty-three vertebra the alignment of their their proper positioning impacts the rest of the spine. If these first two bones are out of chiropractic adjustment it can cause other problems to develop further down in the mid and low back. Often we see a patient come into our office with a long history of back pain. The patient has often been under chiropractic care for some time but they had their upper neck checked properly. Once a proper assessment and correction of the Atlas and Axis is made relief form a long standing problem is almost immediate. Upper Cervical Chiropractic is also important because of it’s impact on the nervous system. Several of the  major cranial nerves are located at the base of the skull and provide a nerve connection to many of the organs of the body. Consequently it’s not unusual that once Upper Cervical Chiropractic Work is performed other health issues the patient is also having can clear up. These can range from digestive disorders, asthma and chronic headaches. Upper Cervical Chiropractic was developed by D.D. Palmer  at the end of the 19th century. It is still in use today and has a loyal following among patients who have tried other chiropractic techniques which had only limited success. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture we have been treating patients with Upper Cervical Chiropractic Work since 1983. Located in Penfield NY the office serves Fairport, Pittsford and the greater Rochester NY area.