Tension Headache

Tension Headaches and Chiropractic treatment \ Chiropractor in Rochester NYTension Headache

Tension Headache is the most frequent type of headache for which there are eleven different classifications for. Approximately sixty percent of all adults experienced one last year. According to the Michigan Department of Labor it is one of the leading causes for individuals seeking disability benefits.  The exact cause is not known but many factors can play a role such as a lack of sleep, skipping meals and to an increase of emotional stress. Fortunately a Tension Headache responds well to chiropractic adjustments. A typical course of chiropractic care would for would consist of eight to ten session over a six week period. A treatment plan would begin with an orthopedic and neurological evaluation of the neck and shoulder girdle. X-rays are frequently taken as is a thoroughly case history to rule out other events such as old trauma. Typically relief is gradual depending on the patient’s age and length of time the headaches were present. At Chiropractic Health and acupuncture we have been serving the greater Rochester NY area since 1983. Call today for a free consultation.