

Osteoarthritis is a condition which affects many individuals to one degree or another once a person passes age fifty.  It is defined as the breakdown of articular cartilage and bony overgrows which lead to impaired functioning. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis there is no metabolic component involved which is inflammatory in nature.  Osteoarthritis instead is due to everyday wear and tear on the joints . It can result from repetitive motion injuries, an overweight condition which puts more pressure on the spine or other condition which produces poor body mechanics. However, it is not a by-product of the aging process. In chiropractic, osteoarthritis is frequently seen in patients due to an unresolved old injury which sets the person up for chronic pain . This is not just limited to the spine but to any joint in the body where chronic pain and lack of joint movement has been present. It generally takes a number of years to manifest but can also respond positively to the right care. It is diagnoses through a combination of clinical history, patient exam and X-rays. Often the medical approach is a course of Physical Therapy which provides heat packs and electric stimulation to the problem area. While partial successful this approach does not address the joint mechanic portion of the injury which is best serve by a mobilization or chiropractic adjustment. The body’s joints are design to move through several planes of motion. This helps distribute the load factor on the joints and also allows the metabolic flow of nutrients and waste products in and out of the joints. In addition to chiropractic treatments,  diet and nutritional supplementation also appear to play a role in limiting the onset of osteoarthritis. Studies indicate that high levels of Glucosamine Sulfate and MSM when taken over several months can help repair the articular cartilage. At Chiropractic Health and Acupuncture our office have been treating patients with osteoarthritis since 1983. Located in Penfield we serve the Fairport, Webster and greater Rochester NY area .  Call today for a free consultation.