Category Archives: Chiropractor Care in Rochester NY

Chiropractic Consultations Chiropractic care rochester NY

Chiropractic Consultations

Chiropractic Consultations and medical consultations in general are an important part of the doctor / patient relationship. This is particularly true when faced with serious health issues and the whole process is outside the realm of their comprehension.  Patients are also consumers and the first questions on everyone’s mind are ‘ What do I have ? How long

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Chiropractic Spinal Exams

Chiropractic Spinal Exams

Chiropractic Spinal Exams and the Chiropractic Benefit, Chiropractic Spinal Exams and the Chiropractic Benefit can have enormous healing potential for the average individual. Insofar as the bony spine houses the spinal cord and provides structural stability to ensure proper body mechanics it’s healthy maintenance is too often overlooked. Frequently being tired with stiff sore joints

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