Tag Archives: acupuncture treatment

hamstring pain

Fixing Tight Hamstrings With Acupuncture

As an acupuncture and chiropractic office, our practice sees numerous low back complaints which often is tied into an issue with the hamstrings.  It’s not unusual after an exam that we tell the patient that they don’t have a “lower back problem,” but a hamstring problem.  This is due to the biomechanical role the hamstrings play

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woman receiving acupuncture

Treating Your Chronic Pain With Acupuncture

  With the opioid epidemic now claiming 5 deaths an hour it’s high time for the culture to find other ways, such as acupuncture to address chronic and acute pain. There is plenty of responsibility to go around but the end result comes from a fast food mentality to the problem where health care is reduced

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memory, acupuncture, chiropractic, wellness, nutrition

Keeping Your Memory Sharp With Complementary Medicine

  We all need to stay mentally on our game these days especially with the stress of 21st-century living. Cell phones, problems with your child’s daycare and being financially stretched are all issues which can have on impact on a person’s psyche. Sometimes it seems the expectation is for you to text your colleague back while you’re in

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woman receiving acupuncture

Staying Fit Over 50 With Acupuncture

  While we often think of acupuncture as a tool for pain control or smoking it’s far more than that. It is an independent science which brings balance and harmony to the body without drugs or invasive testing procedures. It is not only an ancient school of healing but it’s own science with different constructs

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detox diet

Nutritional Guidelines For Type -2 Diabetes

Take control of Type-2 DiabetesAnyone who has been in a drug store lately or at a health screening at work has probably found themselves exposed to the informational sources regarding metabolic type-2 diabetes. Dealing with it can be a complex problem and it is rampant in the culture today.  The bulk of the treatment strategies

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