Acupuncture for Inflammation Caused by Long COVID
Acupuncture can help with inflammation caused by long COVID by stimulating the nerve endings deep below the skin’s surface. Learn more!
Acupuncture can help with inflammation caused by long COVID by stimulating the nerve endings deep below the skin’s surface. Learn more!
Holistic wellness is something we should all strive to achieve. There are four main pillars of holistic health, including good nutrition, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and making time to relax. These are essential for both your emotional well-being and to keep your body running efficiently. However, when chronic pain or constant discomfort comes into
Acupuncture is an alternative medical treatment that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Using hair thin needles inserted into the specific parts of the body, it stimulates the central nervous system. This encourages the body’s natural healing ability. Acupuncture helps to balance the qi (chee) or the flow of energy within the body. Acupuncture can
The red, itchy eyes. The lack of tissues at the grocery store. The sound of constant sniffling and sneezing. We’re all very aware – this allergy season has been brutal. The main cause of the uptick in allergy symptoms can be attributed to high pollen levels, especially in Rochester. Our immune systems treat pollen as
It’s been a stressful year for all of us and the pandemic continues to cause health problems all over the country and the world. Unfortunately, this virus has contributed to a massive uptick in mental health issues across the United States. According to the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), depression levels