Category Archives: Acupuncture in Rochester NY

memory, acupuncture, chiropractic, wellness, nutrition

Keeping Your Memory Sharp With Complementary Medicine

  We all need to stay mentally on our game these days especially with the stress of 21st-century living. Cell phones, problems with your child’s daycare and being financially stretched are all issues which can have on impact on a person’s psyche. Sometimes it seems the expectation is for you to text your colleague back while you’re in

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woman receiving acupuncture

Staying Fit Over 50 With Acupuncture

  While we often think of acupuncture as a tool for pain control or smoking it’s far more than that. It is an independent science which brings balance and harmony to the body without drugs or invasive testing procedures. It is not only an ancient school of healing but it’s own science with different constructs

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Can Acupuncture Help With Cancer Treatments ?

Anyone who has had a close friend or family undergo treatment for cancer can appreciate the problems their loved one has to endure. Loss of appetite, diarrhea, weight loss, cough, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, peripheral neuropathy, and dry mouth are but a few of side effects of chemotherapy. Patients feel like their life is taken from

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acupuncture points

Do Acupuncture Needles Hurt?

I am frequently asked this question by both prospective patients and health care providers. The bottom line is that there is little pain in receiving an acupuncture treatment.  Due to acupuncture’s uniqueness it is understandable that some anxiety is to be expected . After all the idea of someone sticking needles into you like the proverbially

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acupuncture reduce stress Acupuncture Rochester NY

Can Acupuncture Help My Osteoarthritis?

The answer to this question is a resounding YES. Osteoarthritis is one of the more simple types of arthritis and typically doesn’t affect people until after age forty. It often comes on as part of the aging process and reflects the normal wear and tear on the joints through the activities of daily life. Factors like

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